A chemical engineers 22 most used Excel shortcuts

Confessions of a former spreadsheet monkey.

less than 1 minute read


Ctrl + ←↑→↓ Used to move between sections on sheet
Ctrl + Tab Switch between workbooks
Ctrl + Page Up Move one sheet to left
Ctrl + Page Down Move one sheet to right
Alt + F11 Open Visual Basic editor
F5 Open Go To dialog box

Formula Editing

F2 Edit selected cell
F4 Cycle through fixed references (ie C4, $C$4, C$4, C$4)
F9 Can be used to calculate sub sections of formulas (very useful and very dangerous!)
Ctrl + Shift + ←↑→↓ Used to drag multiple cell selections to end of section

Sheet Building

Ctrl + Shift + + + C Insert column
Ctrl + Shift + + + R Insert row
Ctrl + F3 Opens name manager sheet
Ctrl + F Open Find dialog box


Ctrl + 1 Opens ‘Format Cells’ dialog box
Ctrl + Shift + 1 Formats cell as number with two decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + 5 Formats number as percentage with no decimal places
Ctrl + I Italics
Ctrl + B Bold
Alt + HA + L Align left
Alt + HA + C Align center
Alt + HA + R Align center